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Will you pay have to pay a 3.8% Healthcare TAX when you sell your HOME!

To some of you THAT may be True.  But to most, it has NO impact and NO Truth! Here is the “REAL DEAL”   from NAR!

Ever since health care reform was enacted into law more than two years ago, rumors have been circulating on the Internet and in e-mails that the law contains a 3.8 percent tax on real estate. NAR quickly released material to show that the tax doesn’t target real estate and will in fact affect very few home sales, because it’s a tax that will only affect high-income households that realize a substantial gain on an asset sale, including on a home sale, once other factors are taken into account. Maybe 2-3 percent of home sellers will be affected.

Nevertheless, the rumors persist and the latest version that’s circulating falsely say NAR is advocating for the tax’s repeal. But while NAR doesn’t support the tax (it was added into the health care law at the last minute and never considered in hearings), it’s not advocating for its repeal at this time.

The characterization of the 3.8 percent tax as a tax on real estate is an example of an Internet rumor. Call Me Sandy Mager if you would like to learn more!

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Sandy Mager


10115 E Bell RD.

Suite 105

Scottsdale AZ 85260



Property data is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. The owner of this site does not make any representations about any property mentioned in this site. Reproduction of content or images on this site is strictly forbidden. Media room luxury home photo courtesy of Reese Imaging.

Sandy Mager


10115 E.Bell RD.

Suite #105

Scottsdale AZ 85260


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