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Negotiate the Offer on the Home

Once your offer is made, you and your real estate agent may need to enter some negotiation in order to reach an agreement. Keep in mind that almost everything is negotiable when you are buying a house. This can give you a great deal of leverage in the buying process — that is, if you have adequate information and you use it in an appropriate manner. Your agent will have the market knowledge and negotiating expertise necessary to make sure that your offer is accepted at the best price and terms possible for you.

Some of the things that you may have to negotiate are:

  • The price
  • Financing
  • Closing costs
  • Repairs that need to be done
  • Appliances and fixtures
  • Landscaping
  • Painting
  • Occupancy time frame

The key to successful negotiating is keeping in mind that the end result must make both you, the buyer, and the seller happy. Selling your home, or buying a home, is many times, a very emotoional purchase.It is  important and best to make it a WIN/WIN for everyones emotions. Otherwise, negative feelings will persist throughout the remainder of the process and someone may walk away feeling that they were not treated fairly.

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Sandy Mager


10115 E Bell RD.

Suite 105

Scottsdale AZ 85260



Property data is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. The owner of this site does not make any representations about any property mentioned in this site. Reproduction of content or images on this site is strictly forbidden. Media room luxury home photo courtesy of Reese Imaging.

Sandy Mager


10115 E.Bell RD.

Suite #105

Scottsdale AZ 85260


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