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AZ Homes for Sale Search Homes for Sale in Arizona
You can search like a Realtor
Now that you and your real estate agent have found the home you would like to purchase, it’s time to make an offer. Taking into account the recent sales of homes in that neighborhood which are similar in size, quality, conveniences, and amenities, what are you willing to pay for the home? Your real estate agent will consult with you and advise you on how to create an offer that will have the best chance of being accepted. If your agent has done his or her due-dilligence, with researching or preparaing via a CMA [comparative Market analysis] a fair market value based on the attribute, improvements or differences of properties should be easyly determined.
Your agent will ensure that you have everything down in written form… no verbal agreements. After consulting with your agent to put your offer in a written contract that meets all the legal requirements according to local and national guidelines, your agent will present the seller with a written document detailing what needs to be done by both parties to execute the transaction. The contract should protect the best interests of all parties involved and should be comprehensive in nature. Your agent will also ensure your financial position as the buyer by including any necessary contingencies, which would protect you if a particular requirement were not met. Once the seller accepts it, it may be too late to make any changes.
The contract, though not limited to this list, should include the following: